
Carbon ATM LLC - MK 0.5 - Air Quality Sensor

MK.5 is a consumer product designed to monitor indoor carbon dioxide levels and other volatile compounds in real-time. Designed around the ESP32 microcontroller, the MK 0.5 delivers real-time information about air quality on a LCD display and offer IoT connectivity on iOS and Android  over BLE via a React.js based software stack.

Associated Deck used to in Seed/Series A rounds:

Carbon ATM Pitch Deck - 2022.pptx

For more information visit:


EMAX TinyHawk II fs - Firm Mod

Over the last few years I've developed a interest in FPV Quadcopters. The size and speed and weight of some of the smaller quadcopters peeked my interest which led me to purchase and modify a EMAX TinyHawk II. Here's a flight with some updated PID values as well as links to the  

Reference sheet courtesy of Zachary Lewis from the Project Mockingbird community:

Tinyhawk 2 - ZTActive PIDs - BF4.1